June 2019 Newsletter

Posted By on June 7, 2019

To the Owners and Tenants of Alicante,  

Board Meeting
The June 2019 Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Thursday, June 27, 2019 in the Community Room beginning at 6:30pm.

Next Refresh Project
The Common Area Enhancement Committee has closed their community spaces survey and has received your survey feedback related to the next refresh project.   

While the City of San Diego does permit Styrofoam packaging and containers to be recycled, our vendor Waste Management does not. Please continue to discard Styrofoam and plastic bags in the trash.

Pest Control
Lloyd’s Pest Control offers homeowners a discounted rate for service to the interior of the units. If interested, please contact them at 1-800-223-2847.    

Reduce Your SDG&E Bill
To help keep your bill in-check during the summer months, you may want to consider the following OMC bulletins:
Bathroom LED bulbs
Dryer Duct Cleaning
Dryer Filters
Electricity Savings
HVAC Checkup
HVAC Filters
Kitchen LED bulbs
LED light bulbs
Programmable Thermostats
Refrigerator Coil Cleaning

All OMC bulletins are available online: https://alicantehoa.com/owner-maintenance-committee/    

Contact Information
In the event you change your email address or phone number, please remember to advise management. This allows us to continue to communicate important reminders to you!
Parking in Association Spaces
Management would like to remind residents that parking in spaces other than what is deeded to the resident or rented may result in a tow. Please do not park in any space without permission of the Owner or deeded to the property. If your vehicle is towed it will be at the expense of the Owner.  

Selling your Unit?
As a reminder, the Alicante Owners Association does NOT allow Open Houses or Broker Caravans. Please make sure your realtor is aware of this and that all showings must be by appointment only.

EV Chargers Approved
Based on a ballot count in the 28-Feb Board meeting, the proposal to install EV chargers in association-owned parking spaces has been approved. Plans have been submitted to the City which can take 1 – 2 months for approval. More information soon!      

Maintenance Responsibilities
In case you are ever curious as to who is responsible for what, or find yourself in a situation where you don’t know if you should call Management or your own vendor, please see the Maintenance Matrix posted in the mailroom glass case.  We pulled this information from the Alicante CC&Rs.

Close Water Valves When on Vacation
You may be away on vacation in the upcoming months. Given the risk of flood damage to owner and neighbor units due to water leaks, the bulletin recommends occupants close water supply valves before long absences. The bulletin also contains information regarding different condo water valve types: Alicante OMC – Close Valves.
Pet Disturbances
While Alicante is a dog friendly building, please manage your pets so that they do not diminish others’ enjoyment of Alicante. This includes cleaning up pet accidents and taking the necessary measures to limit barking. Per the Association’s governing documents, pet-related violations can lead to fines. Please show respect to your neighbors and help keep Alicante a pet-friendly building.  

Contact Information
In the event you change your email address or phone number, please remember to advise management.  This allows us to continue to communicate important reminders to you!  

Just a reminder that all moves and deliveries must be scheduled with Management at least a week in advance.  Please note that the rate for a 4-hour window has increased to $160. A general rule of thumb is if it takes more than one person to move it, then a move must be scheduled.  The reason is simply to protect the building from sustaining damage during a move.  Please be advised that if you are found to have had an unscheduled move, you will be subject to hearing and fine.  If you are unsure of the scope of your move or would like to schedule a move, please contact the General Manager.   

Monthly Association Meetings
Just a reminder that each month’s Owners Board meetings includes an Open Session where Owners may discuss concerns with the Board, as well as listen while the Board discusses Association matters.  Owners are encouraged to attend!


475 Redwood Street
San Diego, CA 92103
phone | (619) 293-3454

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
750 B Street, Suite 2860
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | (949) 450-0202

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303