June 2021 Newsletter

Posted By on June 14, 2021

State and Local Face Covering Mandates

The current Face Covering Rules, Fitness and Community Room Guidelines as mentioned below will continue to remain in effect until further notice. The Board of Directors will discuss if any existing rules and guidelines should be amended at the upcoming Board of Directors meeting.

Board Meeting

The Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Thursday, June 24, 2021 in the Community Room via Zoom beginning at 6:00pm.

Window Cleaning

During the warranty repairs that took place earlier this year, the window cleaning stages began to fail and are currently inoperable. The Association has been working on getting the window cleaning stages repaired and currently do not have an estimated date as to when they will be working again. Per OSHA guidelines, the Association is not permitted to rent window cleaning equipment. Management will provide updates regarding the window cleaning repairs and when the next window cleaning can be scheduled.

Amazon Hub Parcel Locker

Alicante Owners Association is now using the Amazon Hub Parcel Locker for package deliveries. The Hub will be accessible to all package delivery companies, not just Amazon.

If you did not receive an email to sign up and activate your account, please contact Management and an email will be sent to you.

How does it work?

It’s simple. Your packages will be delivered to the Hub. You’ll receive a notification with a one-time pick-up code. Whenever you’re ready to pick up your package, head to the Hub. Enter the code on the screen. A door will pop open so you can grab your package.

How do I get started?

You’ll receive an email with a signup link. Sign in with your Amazon account or sign up for a free account. Then, you’ll be ready to pick up your packages at the Hub.

Want to know more?

Visit thehub.amazon.com or reach out to Management.

Fitness Room Re-Opened

As you may be aware, the fitness room has re-opened. Please follow the posted guidelines when using the fitness room.

Community Room Reservations 

Management will not be taking any new community room reservations for the time being. Management will announce when the Community Room will re-open for reservations.

Breaking Down Boxes

When discarding boxes in the recycling bins, please be sure to break down the boxes first as they take up a lot of room.

Lost Items

Items that are found by the Building Engineer and Janitorial Staff in the garage, lobby, and amenity rooms are turned in to Management. If you believe you have misplaced an item, please contact Management at mplascencia@actionlife.com to check and see if it has been turned in.

Face Coverings Approved

The Board of Directors have approved a rule requiring residents, visitors, contractors, vendors, and any other person seeking entry to the Association to wear face over their nose and mouth while in the common areas of the Association. This will continue in effect until a declaration from the Governor for the State of California or the Mayor (or Public Health official to whom the responsibility is delegated) removes the requirement that everyone in California must wear a mask or face covering when outside their home, with limited exceptions.

For more information regarding face covering requirements from the County of San Diego please visit the link below:


Food and Beverage Delivery Apps

If you are using a food and beverage delivery service (i.e. UberEats, PostMates, GrubHub etc.), you must meet the delivery person at the front entry lobby door and must not let the delivery person into the building. By limiting the amount of non-Alicante residents from entering the building, this will help reduce the spread of germs.

Covid-19 Updates

For more updates regarding Covid-19 (Coronavirus), please go to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  website https://www.cdc.gov/ or the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Website https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/hhsa/programs/phs/community_epidemiology/dc/2019-nCoV.html .

The CDC has also posted informative videos regarding Covid-19 on their Youtube Channel:

In addition, please do your utmost to protect yourself and your neighbors. Carry sanitizing wipes with you when entering and exiting locations. Wash your hands at every opportunity. Use hand sanitizer when you cannot wash your hands. We are all in this together.

Social Distancing

The Governor’s order mandates people to practice “social distancing,” which is the idea of maintaining a roughly 6-foot distance between other people. It also means limiting nonessential travel, avoiding public transportation when possible, working from home, and skipping social gatherings.

Quarantine vs. Isolation

 Isolation and quarantine help protect the public by preventing exposure to people who have or may have a contagious disease. To help give a clear definition as to what each one means, below are the definitions provided by the CDC website:

•             Isolation separates sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick.

•             Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.

Lost Items

Items that are found by the Building Engineer and Janitorial Staff in the garage, lobby, and amenity rooms are turned in to Management. If you believe you have misplaced an item, please contact Management at mplascencia@actionlife.com to check and see if it has been turned in.

Contact Information

In the event you change your email address or phone number, please remember to advise management.  This allows us to continue to communicate important reminders to you!


All moves and deliveries must be scheduled with Management at least a week in advance. A general rule of thumb is if it takes more than one person to move it, then a move must be scheduled.  The reason is simply to protect the building from sustaining damage during a move.  Please be advised that if you are found to have had an unscheduled move, you will be subject to hearing and fine.  If you are unsure of the scope of your move or would like to schedule a move, please contact the General Manager. 

Architectural Applications If you are thinking about making a change in your unit that would require architectural committee review and approval, please plan well in advance. Per the Architectural Guidelines, the Committee is allotted 30-45 days for review.  It is also recommended to wait before setting a schedule with your contractor until an approval has been awarded.


475 Redwood Street
San Diego, CA 92103
phone | (619) 293-3454

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
750 B Street, Suite 2860
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | (949) 450-0202

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303