August 2022 Newsletter

Posted By on September 6, 2022

Board Meeting

The June Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 25, 2022 in the Community Room beginning at 6:30pm in the Community Room and via Zoom.

Stop Sign Installation on 5th and Redwood

Thanks to our Residents, and countless members of the community, A Stop sign will be installed on 5th Avenue and Redwood Street. This will significantly improve the safety of our Residents and neighbors. A big thank you to Owner, Michael Meacham for taking the lead to get the sign installed.

Clothing/E-Waste Pick-Up

Global Disposal will be holding a Clothing/E-Waste event scheduled for Monday, August 22nd. To sign up, please visit and claim your address on the website. Once you have signed up, please neatly box or bag and label your approved items and place by the trash enclosure.

Front Entry Lobby Door Repaired

The front entry lobby door has been repaired. The door will longer make a clicking noise when access is granted via directory or fob. Please do not wait for a clicking noise before opening the door.

Security Committee Updates

With crime in the area on the rise, the Security Committee along with the Board of Directors have been taking preventative measures to reduce the amount of break ins to the Association. Recently, the lock boxes have been relocated indoors, key access to the entry points has been deactivated and key pad features have been installed to the shared storage rooms. In addition, the Security Committee and Board of Directors are looking into other methods of improving the Association’s security.

Trash Disposal in Common Areas

Management would like to remind residents to pick up any trash they leave behind while traveling through the Association as we must all do our part to preserve the appearance of Alicante.

EV Charging Station Policy

The Board of Directors recently approved the EV Charging Policy and Agreement for Owners who wish to install an electric vehicle charging station (EVCS) in their deeded parking space. To view the EV Charging Policy and Agreement, please log on to the Resident Portal ( and go to the Forms folder.

Architectural Applications

If you are thinking about making a change in your unit that would require architectural committee review and approval, please plan well in advance. Per the Architectural Guidelines, the Committee is allotted 30-45 days for review.  It is also recommended to wait before setting a schedule with your contractor until an approval has been awarded.

Bankers Hill Community Benefit District

Residents received last month a newsletter from the Bankers Hill Community Benefit District to discuss the formation of a new special benefits district for the Owners in the Bankers Hill/South Hillcrest/Park West communities. Please see the attached link for an electronic copy of the newsletter.


475 Redwood Street
San Diego, CA 92103
phone | (619) 293-3454

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
750 B Street, Suite 2860
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | (949) 450-0202

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303