October 2023 Newsletter

Posted By on January 25, 2024

Board Meeting

The next Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 16, 2023 in the Community Room and via Zoom with Open Session starting at 6:30pm.

2023-2024 Budget

The Board of Directors recently approved the new 2023-2024 Budget to start on December 1, 2023. The Budget Mailer will be sent out via regular mail and/or email. It will also be found on the Resident Portal toward the end of October.

Access Control Upgrade Coming Soon

The Board of Directors recently approved upgrading our existing access control system with a ButterflyMX system and will work with the app as well as fobs. Management will be providing updates as we get close which will include information on the distribution of new fobs and RFID stickers for garage access prior to the transition. Please keep an eye out for future notices.

Alicante Insurance

Alicante’s insurance renewed on September 30th. Many of your own providers ask for a copy of the certificate of insurance. A copy of the new certificate can be found on the Resident Portal and on the Alicante website at the following link.

Ice Cream Social – Thank You Message

The Social Committee would like to thank everyone that was able to attend the September 10th Ice Cream Social. The Social Committee is currently working on the next event: The Holiday Party. More info to come.

The Social Committee would also like to thank the generous donation of our neighborhood sponsors:

  • Barrio Star, two $50 Gift Cards
  • Cafe Bassam, two $10 Gift Cards
  • Jimmy Carter, one meal for 2 with drinks
  • Sam’s Passport for $55

Alicante Ice Cream Social video clip and photos can be found on the Resident Portal and Alicante website.

Contact Information

In the event you change your email address or phone number, please remember to advise management.  This allows us to continue to communicate important reminders to you!


All moves and deliveries must be scheduled with Management at least a week in advance. A general rule of thumb is if it takes more than one person to move it, then a move must be scheduled.  The reason is simply to protect the building from sustaining damage during a move.  Please be advised that if you are found to have had an unscheduled move or delivery, you will be subject to hearing and fine.  If you are unsure of the scope of your move or would like to schedule a move, please contact the General Manager. 


475 Redwood Street
San Diego, CA 92103
phone | (619) 293-3454

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
750 B Street, Suite 2860
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | (949) 450-0202

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303